In this tutorial I will show you how to create Fireworks CS6 Graphic Symbols. This is a program that I use on a daily basis. I hope this step by step tutorial helps you. If you have any questions at the end of the Fireworks CS6 tutorial please post your comments below.

Lets create a Graphic Symbol in Fireworks CS6

1. Open Fireworks CS6 and create a new document, any size will do. Once Fireworks is open, create a new document by pressing Command + N on the Mac / Control + N on Windows, or go to the Menu and click on File > New.

2. In this example we will use the Vector Rectangle tool and draw out a box, any size box will do.

Fireworks CS6 Graphic Symbols

3. While your vector object is selected, go to Menu and click on Modify > Symbol > Convert Symbol. Or you could do what I do and press F8.

Fireworks CS6 Graphic Symbols

4. This is the window you will name your Graphic Symbol and make sure the name you use relates to your object. For purposes of this tutorial I named mine A Graphic Symbol. Make sure you put a check in “Save to Common Library” and click OK.

Fireworks CS6 Graphic Symbols

5. This Graphic Symbol was saved to our Common Library. The benefit of saving Fireworks CS6 Graphic Symbols is to save time by quickly using them in your next project. A very handy time saver in Fireworks CS6.

6. In your Document Library, you should see the Graphic Symbol we created. FYI, your Document Library is where all of your “Symbols” get saved to, this includes Buttons and Animations. In Fireworks you can convert any Object or Image into a Graphic Symbol for you to use in any Web Design project.

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