This is a CSS reference for your convenience. All properties below require a semicolon : at the end of each rule. When I type out my rules I prefer to add a space “after” the colon : for improved readability.
Background Properties
- background:
- background-attachment:
- background-color:
- background-image:
- background-position:
- background-repeat:
- background-clip:
- background-origin:
- background-size:
Border and Outline Properties
- border:
- border-bottom:
- border-bottom-color:
- border-bottom-style:
- border-bottom-width:
- border-color:
- border-left:
- border-left-color:
- border-left-style:
- border-left-width:
- border-right:
- border-right-color:
- border-right-style:
- border-right-width:
- border-style:
- border-top:
- border-top-color:
- border-top-style:
- border-top-width:
- border-width:
- outline:
- outline-color:
- outline-style:
- outline-width:
- border-bottom-left-radius:
- border-bottom-right-radius:
- border-image:
- border-image-outset:
- border-image-repeat:
- border-image-slice:
- border-image-source:
- border-image-width:
- border-radius:
- border-top-left-radius:
- border-top-right-radius:
- box-decoration-break:
- box-shadow:
Box Properties
- overflow-x:
- overflow-y:
- overflow-style:
- rotation:
- rotation-point:
Color Properties
- color-profile:
- opacity:
- rendering-intent:
Content for Paged Media Properties
- bookmark-label:
- bookmark-level:
- bookmark-target:
- float-offset:
- hyphenate-after:
- hyphenate-before:
- hyphenate-character:
- hyphenate-lines:
- hyphenate-resource:
- hyphens:
- image-resolution:
- marks:
- string-set:
Dimension Properties
- height:
- max-height:
- max-width:
- min-height:
- min-width:
- width:
Flexible Box Properties
- box-align:
- box-direction:
- box-flex:
- box-flex-group:
- box-lines:
- box-ordinal-group:
- box-orient:
- box-pack:
Font Properties
- font:
- font-family:
- font-size:
- font-style:
- font-variant:
- font-weight:
- @font-face:
- font-size-adjust:
- font-stretch:
Generated Content Properties
- content:
- counter-increment:
- counter-reset:
- quotes:
- crop:
- move-to:
- page-policy:
Grid Properties
- grid-columns:
- grid-rows:
Hyperlink Properties
- target:
- target-name:
- target-new:
- target-position:
Linebox Properties
- alignment-adjust:
- alignment-baseline:
- baseline-shift:
- dominant-baseline:
- drop-initial-after-adjust:
- drop-initial-after-align:
- drop-initial-before-adjust:
- drop-initial-before-align:
- drop-initial-size:
- drop-initial-value:
- inline-box-align:
- line-stacking:
- line-stacking-ruby:
- line-stacking-shift:
- line-stacking-strategy:
- text-height:
List Properties
- list-style:
- list-style-image:
- list-style-position:
- list-style-type:
Margin Properties
- margin:
- margin-bottom:
- margin-left:
- margin-right:
- margin-top:
Marquee Properties
- marquee-direction:
- marquee-play-count:
- marquee-speed:
- marquee-style:
Multi-Column Properties
- column-count:
- column-fill:
- column-gap:
- column-rule:
- column-rule-color:
- column-rule-style:
- column-rule-width:
- column-span:
- column-width:
- columns:
Padding Properties
- padding:
- padding-bottom:
- padding-left:
- padding-right:
- padding-top:
Paged Media Properties
- fit:
- fit-position:
- image-orientation:
- page:
- size:
Positioning Properties
- bottom:
- clear:
- clip:
- cursor:
- display:
- float:
- left:
- overflow:
- position:
- right:
- top:
- visibility:
- z-index:
Print Properties
- orphans:
- page-break-after:
- page-break-before:
- page-break-inside:
- widows:
Ruby Properties
- ruby-align:
- ruby-overhang:
- ruby-position:
- ruby-span:
Speech Properties
- mark:
- mark-after:
- mark-before:
- phonemes:
- rest:
- rest-after:
- rest-before:
- voice-balance:
- voice-duration:
- voice-pitch:
- voice-pitch-range:
- voice-rate:
- voice-stress:
- voice-volume:
Table Properties
- border-collapse:
- border-spacing:
- caption-side:
- empty-cells:
- table-layout:
Text Properties
- color:
- direction:
- letter-spacing:
- line-height:
- text-align:
- text-decoration:
- text-indent:
- text-transform:
- unicode-bidi:
- vertical-align:
- white-space:
- word-spacing:
- hanging-punctuation:
- punctuation-trim:
- text-align-last:
- text-justify:
- text-outline:
- text-overflow:
- text-shadow:
- text-wrap:
- word-break:
- word-wrap:
2D/3D Transform Properties
- transform:
- transform-origin:
- transform-style:
- perspective:
- perspective-origin:
- backface-visibility:
Transition Properties
- transition:
- transition-property:
- transition-duration:
- transition-timing-function:
- transition-delay:
User-interface Properties
- appearance:
- box-sizing:
- icon
- nav-down:
- nav-index:
- nav-left:
- nav-right:
- nav-up:
- outline-offset:
- resize:
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