WampServer Installation Help
I’ve been wanting to create an updated version of WampServer Installation Help for some time. Now we are in 2023 and WampServer version 3.2.6, I’ll get started. I’ll start by telling you that WampServer is a local server package for Windows. It allows you to install and host web applications that use Apache, PHP and MySQL on your local Windows computer. All of which are required to run WordPress locally.
In this article, I will provide you with an up to date version of my WampServer Installation Help guide. I will walk you through the entire install process for WampServer on Windows 10 and 11 operating systems.
Downloading WAMP Server
Download the installer file for the latest version of WampServer, and save the file to your computer. If you are unsure which WAMP installer you need, Windows 10 and 11 are 64-bit (X64).

Double check your version

Installing WampServer
To start the installation process, you need to locate the folder where you saved the file, and double-click the installer. If a security warning window opens, confirm to proceed. Then click Run to start the installation process.
Next select the language you want installed with WampServer. Click OK to continue the installation.

License Agreement
The next screen will be the License Agreement. Accept the agreement, then click Next to continue with the installation.

Select Destination Location
Next is the Select Destination Location screen. Unless you would like to install WampServer on another drive, you should not need to change anything. Click Next to continue.

Select Components
The next screen you are presented with is the Select Components screen. Unless you have specific needs, leave everything the way you see it, then click Next to continue.

Ready To Install
Next you will see the Ready To Install screen. Review your setup choices, and change any of them by clicking Back to the appropriate screen. Otherwise, click Install to continue.

WampServer will begin extracting files to the location you selected.
Choose your favorite web browser
Once the files are extracted, you will be asked to select your default browser. WampServer defaults to Internet Explorer upon opening the local file browser window. If your default browser isn’t IE or just not the one you prefer to use, look in the following locations for the corresponding .exe file.
- Opera: C:\Program Files (x86)\Opera\opera.exe
- Firefox: C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
- Safari: C:\Program Files (x86)\Safari\safari.exe
- Chrome: C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
In this case, I chose Google Chrome. Click Open to continue.

Choose your favorite text editor
In this next window you will be asked if you want to choose another text editor installed on your system. I use Notepad, unless you have a preferred text editor, click No.

Windows Security Alert
If a Windows Security Alert window opens, saying that Windows Firewall has blocked some features of the program. Check whether you want to allow Apache HTTP Server to communicate on a private or public network, click Allow Access.

Verify WampServer is working properly
Click Finish. Locate the directory where you installed WampServer and double click the program to run. You should now see the WampServer icon appear in the System Tray next to the Date and Time on the bottom right side of your taskbar. If the icon is green, then everything is working properly. Orange, then there are issues with one of the services. Red, then both Apache and MySQL services are not running. Resolve those issues before continuing.

If the article wasn’t much help, watch the video on my YouTube channel.
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