Vanguard Multiplayer First Impressions

Vanguard multiplayer first impressions. I will cover gameplay and visuals. Then I will give you my opinion on what I think the Vanguard dev team needs to work on to put the final touches on what could very well be the best Call of Duty World War II game ever made. Before I dive into … Read more

Modern Warfare 2019 Stuttering

I think many of Modern Warfare 2019 stuttering on the Xbox Series S issues stem from it’s hardware capabilities. Which could be why there are far fewer complaints of stuttering and loss of frame rates on Xbox Series X and PS5. Modern Warfare 2019 Stuttering My gameplay experience ranged from; freezing up, crashing, aim spinning, … Read more

Modern Warfare low FPS after Warzone update

Modern Warfare low FPS after Warzone update Here are Modern Warfare complaints posted in Reddit that moderators removed. Included is my text as well as a few screenshots for proof. Note: r/modernwarfare says, moderators remove posts from feeds for a variety of reasons, including keeping communities safe, civil, and true to their purpose. OK… Issues … Read more

Call of Duty Errors

The Call of Duty WWII Lost Connection To Host Error keeps coming back to haunt me. I’ve seen this exact error in other Call of Duty titles. Has anyone else encountered this error? Is there a correlation? I think there could be. These types of Call of Duty Errors are quite frequent on the Xbox One X and have been a challenge to fix. On the Xbox One S, not a problem. The worst part about this error, I am unable to finish a full multiplayer match without seeing this error pop up and it always happens towards the end of every match.

Call of Duty Errors

Call of Duty Errors

The most frustrating part of dealing with multiplayer Call of Duty Errors, they affect multiplayer gameplay. This could be any Call of Duty title. Let’s say I play for an extended period of time, I’ll get hit with this error – Call of Duty WWII Lost Connection To Host. If your not getting rewarded at the end of each game, what’s the point? This has been happening to me for months. I called Microsoft and they have no idea. All other Call of Duty titles in my library run perfect.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered

Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered was one of the first of the series to keep me playing for hours everyday. This went on for a few years. It was fun for everyone to play back in the day, and now with the remastered version, it’s even better. But like I’ve said before, there is not enough traffic. It’s always a challenge to find a multiplayer match, especially in 2022.

The game and this post

I purchased this game on Steam just after release, November 4th, 2016. As soon as the install was finished I opened the game I ran into a few problems. I will discuss how I fixed each of them in this post.

Stuttering and hitching during gameplay

Solution: If your game is stuttering, simply accept the option to preload shaders before playing the game. Every time you update your NVIDIA or AMD drivers, you’ll need to preload shaders again.

Frame rate issues optimal video settings

Even though your system hardware easily meets the minimum system requirements for use “Optimal Video” settings, you will still experience frame rate issues. An update was released that fixed the issue.

SLI and Crossfire optimization

At the time, I was using NVIDIA SLI. The problem, I was seeing the high frame rates I was suppose to be getting. The game wasn’t able to optimize power distribution with SLI or Crossfire.


Regardless of the few issues I experienced at launch, I still love this game. I have since upgraded my computer a few times since then and the game runs at high FPS and gameplay is super smooth.

I do have one gripe, in that preloading shaders takes a long time to complete. Good thing we don’t have to load shaders every time. When the game was first released in 2016, my Internet connection was not super fast. My load times for shaders would exceed 20+ minutes. I’m happy to say those days are over.

That will wrap up my thoughts of Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. Here is a link to buy this game. Not an affiliate link. Post questions and comments below. 

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare – Disc read error “patch_common_mp”

Disc read error “patch_common_mp”
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare - Disc read error "patch_common_mp"

Disc read error “patch_common_mp”

Disc read error “patch_common_mp“, at the time of this post is specific to all Call of Duty titles and is easy to fix. I will show you how I was able to fix this disc read error. Note: This error was generated immediately I updating.

Verify Integrity Of Game Cache

Disc read error patch_common_mp

Open your Steam library, locate the title of Call of Duty in which you received the error. In my case, it was Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. Once you locate the game, right click on it, left click “Properties”, left click “Local Files”, left click “Verify Integrity Of Game Cache”. That should do it.

If that doesn’t work, you could also try uninstalling Call of Duty and reinstalling it. However, this isn’t always the best option If you have a slow Internet connection. Then again, you may not have a choice.


I realize this procedure is super easy, but some people were still going crazy trying to figure it out. For those people, I hope this helped. This procedure is the same for all Call of Duty Titles that produce this error. In most cases all you will need to do is Verify the integrity of the game in question. Good luck and I hoped this helped. Please post your questions or comments below.