The Call of Duty WWII Lost Connection To Host Error keeps coming back to haunt me. I’ve seen this exact error in other Call of Duty titles. Has anyone else encountered this error? Is there a correlation? I think there could be. These types of Call of Duty Errors are quite frequent on the Xbox One X and have been a challenge to fix. On the Xbox One S, not a problem. The worst part about this error, I am unable to finish a full multiplayer match without seeing this error pop up and it always happens towards the end of every match.

Call of Duty Errors
The most frustrating part of dealing with multiplayer Call of Duty Errors, they affect multiplayer gameplay. This could be any Call of Duty title. Let’s say I play for an extended period of time, I’ll get hit with this error – Call of Duty WWII Lost Connection To Host. If your not getting rewarded at the end of each game, what’s the point? This has been happening to me for months. I called Microsoft and they have no idea. All other Call of Duty titles in my library run perfect.