
Have you ever heard of the Windows Bad_Pool_Header? The BAD_POOL_HEADER error is usually associated with the way Windows allocates memory/RAM to devices and applications. Device drivers are usually the most common cause. Other causes including hard drive disk write errors and bad sectors that only surface intermittently. RAM = Random Access Memory errors would be suspect for memory pool issues overall.

The Fix - The fastest web host for the best price! Shut down your PC and disconnect all external USB devices except the mouse and keyboard. Turn your PC back on. That should do it.

My suggestion, use your computer for as long as you can without plugging your USB devices back in. Memory errors can be difficult to troubleshoot because they usually happen when we least expect. Give it a few days or so before plugging your USB devices back in. This has worked for me on my personal PC as well as my customer’s.

If you find the Windows Bad_Pool_Header error happens often, you could always continue unplugging your devices before you boot up, just so you are able to get to your desktop. If you like to troubleshoot, figure out which device(s) are responsible for the windows error by testing how your PC behaves when only 1 USB device is connected. Not seeing any problems, great, connect another etc. You could also try replacing or increasing your Memory/RAM.

There are a few other fixes for the Bad_Pool_Header, but they rarely need to be used. If this fix does not work for your particular situation, please explain in the comments below.
